The Presidential Black Hole


It would seem to many the Trump presidency is collapsing under its own weight of arrogant incompetence. Within months it will be a black hole from which nothing, not even light, can emerge.

But would this be good for the country?  Wouldn’t it be better if the process of our government, imperfect and often clumsy as it is, molded (or pounded) Mr. Trump into some form of effective President?

I, like many of you, disagree with most of his policies. For the ones I find some agreement with, I abhor their implementation. Immigration reform, changing entitlement programs which promulgate a lifestyle of government dependency instead of independence and self-sufficiency, to name just a few.

Part of me takes an almost sadistic delight in the problems, most of them self-inflicted, besieging the President. Another, less emotional, part sees his administration as an anathema to the country. His policies, pronouncements, cabinet choices, and nonsensical tweets seem to be geared to dragging America down in order to fulfill his promise of making America great again.

There is much work to do in making America better. Many aspects of our country are no longer the envy of the world. Our education system, health care, the scourge of gun violence all issues infinitely more dangerous to ordinary Americans than the perceived threat of terrorism.

We are more a danger to ourselves than anything else.

Yet I wonder if hoping for a catastrophic demise of Mr. Trump is good in the long run. I wonder if it would be better, by demonstrating that we can still control our elected officials with our efforts even after the election, we will show the world the real power of the American people?

Mr. Trump acts like a petulant child. Deflecting all responsibility for his failures on others, the lying press, the former president, etc.  As with any child, what he needs is a firm hand to guide him to maturity.

Congress just gave him a lesson in reality in which the President must work with them to accomplish his goals. The voices of America made it clear that health care is not something to be politicized.

The conservative icon Ronald Reagan, for all the god-like worship bestowed on him by the right, had a cooperative working relationship with the Speaker of the House, Tip O’Neill. The ideological differences between them could not have been more stark. Yet, they found a way to cooperate.

They learned to share the toys.

Trump is still in mid-tantrum mode. Still lashing out rather than listening. But that’s what child-rearing is all about.

Let him scream and yell. Soon he’ll either learn that he must listen and act with reason and rationality, or we will take our ball and give it to someone else.