Presumptuous Trumpism

From September 7, 1940, until May 10, 1941, England endured a period known as the Blitz. It is a derivative of the German word Blitzkrieg, “Lightning war.”

Germany sent wave upon wave of bombers to bring terror, genuine countrywide terror, to London and all of England.

32,000 people, men, women, and children, died.

87,000 were wounded.

2 million homes were destroyed.

And the Brits survived. (as a side note, we stood by. Sent lots of supplies, but not quite interested in the war, yet.)

From the ashes of that terrible time, the people of England survived.

Julie Andrews, a most gifted voice, sang as merely a child in the shelters as the bombs fell.

Not to minimize the deaths of those in the London Bridge today, but it pales to those who survived the blitz. The Brits understand this. The Brits walked around the police tape on London Bridge as soon as the police allowed them.

They hardly need our President to lecture them about what to do.

I offer this as an apology for the idiocy of our President who misquotes the mayor of London to solidify his own failing agenda.

My favorite quote from our idiot in chief is “‘Do you notice we are not having a gun debate right now? That’s because they used knives and a truck” leaving out the fact that the “terrorist” had no options because guns are difficult to obtain in England.

Our President decided to deride the Mayor of London by taking a quote out of context to reaffirm the President’s idiocy.

Perhaps President Trump might learn something from another Brit he likely admires, Winston Churchill. Mr. Churchill once famously quoted, “Never give up. Never give up. Never give up”

Alas, we have a President who not only is unwilling to face the tough challenges, he is more than willing to let someone else go in our place.




One thought on “Presumptuous Trumpism

  1. They also endured 30 years of IRA bombings, and didn’t ban the Irish from entering the country. Today is the 70th Anniversary of the Marshall Plan, when the US undertook a rebuilding effort – not just bricks and mortar, but a building of alliances forged from the ashes of WWII. Do they even teach this anymore?

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