Nothing Else Need be Said


I watched a family walking into a restaurant the other day.

No psychic ability required to see them as they were, Father, Mother, two boys maybe 8 and 10.

Mom leading the way.

She opens the door.

The two boys follow, engrossed on their gameboys, iPad minis, some such device.

Don’t even look up at Mom.

Its expected.

Followed by Dad, texting on the iPhone, right through the door, held open by his wife, without so much as a thank you.

Mom, the only one with a shred of decency, remained holding the door for an older couple, the man using a cane, the wife guiding him.

The cane supported gentleman tried to take over the door holding responsibilty.

The Mom shook her head and sent them into the restaurant.

And we wonder what’s wrong with this country.

Just look around!
