Who Needs College? You Can Learn Everything on YouTube


In a solution to reducing the cost of a good education and the burden of student loans hanging like an albatross around the neck, I have found a more expedient and cost-effective method of learning.


There is nothing one cannot learn to do on YouTube Video.  Need actual proof, say a picture or two? Well, here you go.

First, a little background. While I consider myself a fairly intelligent person with adequate writing skills, I have never been handy with tools. We’re talking about a guy who once melted the vinyl siding off the house while installing an outside water faucet.

For most of my adult life—at least the married part—I have been banned from using power tools. Not so much out of fear of lopping off a limb or bleeding to death, but out of concern I would do irreparable damage to our property.

But no more.

Through the wonders of YouTube and a leap of faith (or faded memory) allowing me once again to acquire and play with power tools. I am proud to announce two things. 

I still have all my limbs and suffered no injuries requiring stitches, ambulances, or Med flights to emergency rooms.

And I built this—the world’s most amazing chicken coop.

My next YouTube exploration will involve Brain Surgery.  I figure I will start with people of a certain political persuasion. Lots of room to work with and what’s the worst that could happen?  I’ll take pictures if I find any brains still functioning.


Thanks for reading, please share with everyone!

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