Supermoon: Portal to the Past

There is a newly discovered phenomenon caused by the soon to be visible Super Moon. A window to the past  has opened in the fabric of the universe. This allowed NASA scientists to speak to the Founding Fathers at the original Constitutional Convention.

When asked what they thought of the current condition of The United States of America, these are the exact words from these great men.

“Are you f#%^*ing kidding me?”  The words were difficult to hear over the sobbing and self-inflicted gunshot wounds. Whether it was a celebration of the Second Amendment or despair was unclear.

The portal was forced closed by Jefferson and Franklin then sealed on that end. They left a message for us to take their name off the country.

A Safe, Yet Thrilling, New Year’s Eve

Recipe for a perfect New Year’s Celebration

  1. Fill a glass with one’s favorite drink (adult or otherwise)
  2. Put on soft, ambient music in the background
  3. Find a comfortable and warm place to sit
  4. And the most critical element, download one or more of these books

Click here to download: Books By Joe Broadmeadow

A Guaranteed Safe, Sound, and Enjoyable Happy New Year with no regrets or online images to explain!